
The Academy of Fine Arts of the University of the Arts Helsinki is recruiting

Postdoctoral Researcher/University Researcher

in the thematic area of analogue image in the era of digital imagery for a fixed-term employment contract from 1 February 2024 (or as agreed) to 31 December 2026.

Fields of research and tasks

The duties of the Postdoctoral Researcher/University Researcher will include conducting their own research and teaching in the thematic area of “analogue image in the era of digital imagery”.

The Academy of Fine Arts has a long tradition and a functional environment for film-based practice in Fine Arts. Postdoctoral research into analogue practices is a new initiative within the Academy. The research is expected to investigate the significance of various analogue techniques and ecological forms of image production as an emerging field of specialization in the era of digital imagery. The aim of this research initiative is to strengthen and develop experimental analogue practices (incl. film, photography and cameraless photography) and the teaching methods of these across the subject areas within the Academy. The Postdoctoral Researcher/University Researcher will be situated in the subject area of Time and Space Arts and will collaborate with other artist-researchers and academic staff within the Academy and Uniarts Helsinki.

The main part (ca. 60%) of Postdoctoral Researcher’s/University Researcher’s working time is allocated to their own research with the expectation of research outcomes. Other working tasks include teaching, supervising, publication activities and research development work on behalf of Uniarts Helsinki, such as, project planning, applying for funding as well as other communal university activities.

Eligibility requirements

We expect you to have the following:

  • a suitable doctoral degree from a Finnish or an internationally recognized university
  • university level experience in teaching and art practice in the thematic area of analogue practices
  • a demonstrated record of independent research
  • good communication and interaction skills
  • the ability to connect to communities, networks and operators relevant to the thematic area of analogue practices
  • the capacity and willingness to participate in the research-based education of fine art students on all degree levels

Language skills

The languages of instruction at Uniarts Helsinki are Finnish, Swedish, and English. For this position, an excellent command of English is required.

Working time and salary

The salary for the position will be based on levels 5-6 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. Monthly salary at the beginning of employment will be approximately €3450-€4050, depending on the selected candidate’s qualifications and professional experience.

The post follows the total working time system, where the annual workload is 1,612 hours, as defined in the collective agreement. The position requires working in Finland for the duration of the employment relationship. Thus, the assignment requires the Postdoctoral Researcher/University Researcher to reside in Finland for the duration of the employment relationship.

How to apply

The applications should be submitted through our electronic recruitment system by 31 December 2023 at 23.59 (EEST) at the latest. You will receive an automatic reply from the system (check the spam folder if you can’t find the email with your username information in your inbox). Please save your application materials in English and in PDF form.

The application consists of

A motivation letter (1–2 pages)

  • Curriculum vitae (in accordance with TENK’s instructions), including the list of publications
  • A concise artistic portfolio in digital form
  • A research plan for an appr. 3-year project including a publication plan (maximum 5 pages including references)

The short-listed candidates’ interviews will be held online in January 2024.

Further information

For more information on the position please contact Vice Dean for Research Mika Elo and on the recruitment process HR Specialist Leena-Kaisa Paananen, our e-mail addresses are in the form firstname.lastname@uniarts.fi.

Työsopimuksen voimassaolo Määräaikainen yli 6 kuukautta
Työsuhteen luonne Kokoaikainen
Paikkojen lukumäärä 1
Työllisyysaste 100%
Paikkakunta Helsinki
Maa Suomi
Ilmoitusnumero 2023/63
Julkaistu 01.12.2023
Haku päättyy 31.12.2023

Takaisin avoimiin työpaikkoihin